Installation and Configuration of Cisco VPN Client on Linux

Installation of Cisco VPN client on Linux is something quiet easy. You just need to download the installation file.

Extract it using

shell>> tar zxvf vpnclient-linux-x86_64-

Move inside the vpnclient folder created after extracting the tarball using

shell>> cd vpnclient

Run the executable file vpn_install using

shell>> ./vpn_install

Provide necessary locations or confirm the defaults.

Start the service using

shell>> /etc/init.d/vpnclient_init start

Copy the configuration file ( *.pcf ) or edit the existing sample.pcf file accordingly in the path
of the profile folder.

E.g : mine is /etc/CiscoSystemsVPNClient/profiles/sample.pcf

After changing the or placing the new configuration file restart the vpn client using

shell>> /etc/init.d/vpnclient_init restart

And connect to the vpn using

shell>> vpnclient connect sample

( if you have provide another name instead of sample to the .pcf file use that name to connect)

That's it and Have a nice day............. :) :) :)


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